
    Ertalyte®聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯 PET

    Ertalyte®聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯 PET

    Ertacetal® / Acetron®聚甲醛 POM

    Ertacetal® / Acetron®聚甲醛 POM

    Ertacetal® / Acetron®聚甲醛 POM

    Ertalon® / Nylatron®聚酰胺 PA

    Ertalon® / Nylatron®聚酰胺 PA

    Ertalon® / Nylatron®聚酰胺 PA

More information on CNC machining?

Machining plastic is just one of our specialties in plastic machining. We have solutions for all aspects of plastic machining. If you have any questions about CNC machining at Novaplas Precision, please don't hesitate to contact us. The contact details can be found below.


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+86 15190323888

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